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NSPRA Awards

Each year, NSPRA recognizes and honors those whose efforts and expertise have had a positive and lasting impact on school public relations and education as well as honors the best work in school communication. In addition, NSPRA also recognizes chapters of all sizes for their outstanding efforts. Below, read more about how to submit your school PR work for recognition, nominate a deserving colleague for an NSPRA award or submit your chapter for an NSPRA Mark of Distinction award.

Two hands typing on a laptop.Submit Your Work

Earn national recognition for your district or organization’s school communications efforts by submitting your best work to NSPRA's school communication award programs.

NSPRA award winner Susan Brott with 20-21 NSPRA President Lesley Bruinton.Nominate a Colleague

If you have colleagues who deserve recognition, consider nominating them for an NSPRA recognition award.

NSPRA Executive Board member Angela Marshall with NSPRA award winner Krystyna Baumgartner, APR.Nominate Your Chapter

Learn more about the criteria, requirements and incentives for Mark of Distinction chapters.

NSPRA gold medallion winners.Award Winners

See winners of recognition awards and school communication awards from previous years as well as chapters who have earned a Mark of Distinction award. 

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