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NSPRA is the leader in developing professionals to communicate strategically, build trust and foster positive relationships in support of their school communities. 

Policy 105. Adopted: July 1994  Revised: July 1996, July 1998, July 2002, June 2021

Goals and Beliefs

Goal 1. Be known as the leader in school communications

1. Analyze credibility and value of current brand.

2. Ensure all marketing, programming and other plans propel NSPRA to a more influential brand identity.

Goal 2. Grow and retain membership

1.  Determine an appropriate retention rate for membership.

2.  Assess profiles of current and potential members.

3. Create a membership growth plan.

Goal 3. Ensure efficient, effective and up-to-date systems

1. Improve communication tools and platforms.

2. Implement customer relationship management (CRM) system.

3. Enhance accounting and human resources processes and tools.

Goal 4: Deliver relevant, high-impact programs

1.  Engage members to determine needs.

2. Devise plan that builds on successful programs and develops new ones as needed. 

Policy 110. Revised: July 2002; March 2006; March 2008, March 2016, July 2019, June 2021


  • We are an inclusive association that embraces the diversity of our members, and we empower them to champion equity and anti-racism in the communities they serve.
  •  We innovate new approaches to school communications through research-based strategic solutions to meet the changing needs of our membership.
  • We anticipate the needs of members, elevating their work to make a difference for students and communities.
  • We uphold the highest standards of ethics, building a collaborative network of trusted strategic advisors.
  • We provide the highest quality professional development opportunities that advance continuous improvement.       

Adopted: July 1994  Revised: July 1996; July 1998; July 2002; March 2006, March 2016, July 2019, June 2021

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