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Bob Grossman Leadership in School Communications Award

Nominations for the 2025 Bob Grossman Leadership in School Communications Award were due March 10. 

The Bob Grossman Leadership in School Communications Award is given annually to a practicing superintendent or CEO of a school district, education agency or service center in recognition of outstanding leadership in school public relations and communications. This award is given in memory of Robert L. Grossman, ASPR, an NSPRA past president who believed that the support and commitment of our top education leaders is vital to successful school communication. The award is presented during a General Session of the NSPRA National Seminar, and the recipient receives a registration to the Seminar and lodging for one night.

Eligibility and Nomination Criteria

Eligible nominees must be a practicing superintendent/CEO of a public school district or education agency (i.e., county office of education), association, service center, intermediate unit, or BOCES. NSPRA membership is not required for nomination. Current NSPRA Executive Board members and NSPRA staff are ineligible for nomination.

A nomination must include a current vita/resume for the nominee and at least two letters of support related to the nominee's leadership in the area of school public relations and communications.  It must also include an explanation of why the nominee should be considered for the award and examples of how the nominee meets the selection criteria.

Recipient Selection

As part of the selection process, a selection committee will consider whether the nominee:

  • Demonstrates support for the communication function by maintaining or establishing a communications program, position or department.
  • Ensures communication components are included in the district/organization’s strategic plan and are focused on supporting student achievement goals.
  • Is a proponent of open and transparent communication and integrates communication into decision-making processes.
  • Includes the communications professional (if applicable) on the cabinet and works closely with that person to achieve strategic communication goals.
  • Maintains a separate budget line for communication, marketing and engagement efforts.
  • Embraces and incorporates new communication tools and strategies.
  • Provides communication training opportunities for administrators, the board and staff.
  • Holds administrators and staff accountable for effective communication practices.
  • Practices strategic communication management and effective public engagement processes.
  • Demonstrates excellent personal communication skills and ethical leadership.

Recognition and Award Presentation

The current year Grossman Award winner will receive:

  • Complimentary registration to the upcoming NSPRA National Seminar,
  • A formal presentation of the award during a General Session at the Seminar and
  • One night of lodging, arranged by NSPRA, for the evening before the award presentation. 

The award winner also will be invited to present a Skill Session during the Seminar. 

For more information, contact NSPRA at or 301-519-0496.

View a complete list of previous award recipients.

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