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NSPRA’s Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards recognize outstanding education publications, newsletters, videos, podcasts, websites, social media and more. View a list of past Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award winners.
Winners receive a 100% authenticated, always up-to-date digital badge and a downloadable award certificate as well as recognition during the NSPRA National Seminar. Entrants are encouraged to watch the How and Why of Award Submissions webinar for tips on evaluating what to submit and what the judges are looking for in an entry.
The submission window is now closed.
Each entry must be submitted separately, but there is no limit to the number of entries that an individual may submit. However, an asset may not be entered across multiple categories. For example, the same brochure may not be entered into the Marketing Material category AND the Special Purpose Publication category. Any number of different assets, however, may be entered into the same category.
Enter only materials produced since March 2024. Previous entries may not be re-entered. Student-written/produced communication materials are not eligible for entry.
Further information on how to submit a Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award entry, judging information, eligible submission categories and more can be found below.
Entries are judged within an entry category for organizations of a similar type and size. Each entry is judged on the overall excellence of the entry as well as its quality compared to other entries in the category. The top award in each category is the Award of Excellence. Awards of Merit and Honorable Mentions are also given in each category.
Criteria for All Entries:
Following are elements that judges look for in all submissions:
SOME categories include additional judging criteria. See below.
Annual Report Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Annual Report entries:
Branding/Image Materials Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Branding/Image Materials entries:
Calendar Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Calendar entries:
Excellence in Writing Entries
Financial Publication Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Financial Publication entries:
Handbook/Guide Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Handbook/Guide entries:
Infographic Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Infographic entries:
Magazine Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Magazine entries:
Marketing Material Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Marketing Material entries:
News Release Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in News Release entries:
Newsletter Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Newsletter entries:
Photo Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Photo entries:
Podcast Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Podcast entries:
Social Media Criteria
Following are additional elements that judges look for in social media entries:
Special Purpose Publication Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Special Purpose Publication entries:
Video (Singular) Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in video entries:
Video Series Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in Video Series entries:
Website Entries
Following are additional elements that judges look for in website entries:
Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award entries must be submitted at www.nspra.org/award-apply.
NSPRA staff will notify Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards entrants as to the status of their entries via email in May.
Each winning entry will receive a certificate to print and download. Winners also will be:
Submit an Entry
Each year more than 100 experienced communication professionals from around the country volunteer to serve as judges in NSPRA's National School Communication Awards contest using a set of established criteria based on industry best practices. NSPRA staff coordinate the contest but do not serve as judges.