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Publications and Digital Media Excellence

Fee per entry: $95 for members, $135 for non-members
Deadline: March 14, 2025

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NSPRA’s Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards recognize outstanding education publications, newsletters, videos, podcasts, websites, social media and more. View a list of past Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award winners.

Winners receive a 100% authenticated, always up-to-date digital badge and a downloadable award certificate as well as recognition during the NSPRA National Seminar. Entrants are encouraged to watch the How and Why of Award Submissions webinar for tips on evaluating what to submit and what the judges are looking for in an entry.

The submission window is now closed.

Each entry must be submitted separately, but there is no limit to the number of entries that an individual may submit. However, an asset may not be entered across multiple categories. For example, the same brochure may not be entered into the Marketing Material category AND the Special Purpose Publication category. Any number of different assets, however, may be entered into the same category.

Enter only materials produced since March 2024. Previous entries may not be re-entered. Student-written/produced communication materials are not eligible for entry. 

Further information on how to submit a Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award entry, judging information, eligible submission categories and more can be found below.

Following are the categories for submissions in the Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards program.
Annual Report
Published yearly to summarize goals, activities and achievements. Submit ONE report per entry.
Branding/Image Package
Materials designed to promote the district brand (e.g., logos, taglines, etc.). Multiple assets may be submitted to demonstrate the brand identity.  Entry should include an image file of the brand identity (logo, tagline, etc.) as well as at least one example of the brand identity in use (e.g., website homepage, brochure, letterhead, business card, email signature, building signage, etc.).
Publication (digital or print) with general information and specific dates for school/district activities and events. Submit ONE calendar per entry.
Excellence in Writing
One article from a newsletter, newspaper op-ed piece, website, editorial or speech. Length of 500 to 5,000 words. Submit only the relevant article, not an entire publication. Submit ONE article per entry.
Financial Publication
Information about tax levies, bond issues, budgets and other financial topics. Submit ONE publication per entry.
General information about policies, regulations and/or other official guidance, issued to students, parents and/or staff. Submit ONE publication per entry.
Graphic images used to represent complex information or data in a quick, impactful way. Submit ONE infographic per entry.
Periodic publication with news articles, feature articles, photos and/or more. Print or digital. Submit ONE issue per entry.
Marketing Material
Material created to promote/sell a school or district product, program or service to stakeholders. Submit ONE asset per entry.
News Release
Singular news or media release. Submit ONE release per entry.
External or internal, published periodically. TWO different issues of the newsletter must be submitted to qualify as one entry. Links to additional issues may be submitted, but are optional. Print or digital.
An image that effectively tells a story, captures significant moments or conveys the ethos of a school community. Submit ONE photo per entry.
School or district podcast episode. Submit ONE podcast per entry.
Social Media
Social media communication campaign or collection of posts that effectively use social media for awareness, fundraising, enrollment drives, or other strategic objectives. Upload a one-page explanation that includes the following: overview/purpose of the campaign/posts; links to the social media content; relevant analytics that demonstrate the level of engagement with the social media content; and description of the outcomes achieved.
Special Purpose Publication
External or internal booklet, brochure, poster or material not included in other categories. Submit ONE publication per entry.
Video (Singular)
A video recording or live broadcast designed for a website, social media, video channel, special event, etc. Videos can be submitted as MP4 files, but if the file size is larger than 25MB, provide a link to the video from a website, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. Submit ONE video per entry.
Video (Series)
A video series designed for a website, social media, video channel, special event, etc. Videos can be submitted as a MP4 file, but if the file size is larger than 25MB, provide a link to the video from a website, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, etc. Submit UP TO five videos per entry.
Existing website if not previously entered in an NSPRA awards program, website redesign project, special purpose or short-term project website. Intranet website entries must include password or other login information so judges can access the site. Submit ONE website per entry.
Student-written/produced communication materials are not eligible for entry.
Each entry must be submitted separately, but there is no limit to the number of entries that an individual may submit. However, an asset may not be entered across multiple categories. For example, the same brochure may not be entered into the Marketing Material category AND the Special Purpose Publication category. Any number of different assets, however, may be entered into the same category.
Submit only one (1) asset per entry, with the exception of the following:
  • Branding/Image Materials: Multiple assets may be submitted to demonstrate the brand identity. 
  • Newsletter: Two different issues must be submitted to qualify as one entry.
  • Social Media: Upload a one-page explanation that includes the following:
    • Overview/purpose of the campaign/posts
    • Links to the social media content 
    • Relevant analytics that demonstrate the level of engagement with the social media content
    • Description of the outcomes achieved
  • Video Series: Up to five videos may be submitted in the entry.
Enter only materials produced since March 2024. Previous entries may not be re-entered.
The following categories require a short summary statement:
  • Branding/Image Materials: In 300 words or less, please describe the development process of the materials, how they are used and any evaluation data available.
  • Podcast: In 500 words or less, please describe how and why the podcast episode was developed and/or is used, as well as applicable metrics and engagement outcomes.
  • Marketing Material: In 500 words or less, please describe how the material submitted contributed to the success of broader marketing objectives.
  • Social Media: In 500 words or less, please describe the outcomes achieved by the campaign/post (beyond providing engagement metrics).
  • Video (Singular): In 500 words or less, please describe the video’s purpose, where and when it is being used, the target audience, how it is supporting effective communication, and outcomes achieved.
  • Video Series: In 500 words or less, please describe the purpose of the series, where and when it is being used, the target audience, how it is supporting effective communication, and outcomes achieved.

Entries are judged within an entry category for organizations of a similar type and size. Each entry is judged on the overall excellence of the entry as well as its quality compared to other entries in the category. The top award in each category is the Award of Excellence. Awards of Merit and Honorable Mentions are also given in each category.

Criteria for All Entries:

Following are elements that judges look for in all submissions:

  • Target audience is defined or clearly implied.
  • Key messages related to the district/school/organization are included.
  • Content clearly expresses and executes the product's purpose.
  • The presented information is clear and easy to understand, and overall, it evokes a positive response.
  • The district/organization brand identity is portrayed clearly and reinforced consistently.

SOME categories include additional judging criteria. See below.



Annual Report Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Annual Report entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.


Branding/Image Materials Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Branding/Image Materials entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Brand appears consistently across submitted materials.


Calendar Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Calendar entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.


Excellence in Writing Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Excellence in Writing entries:
  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.


Financial Publication Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Financial Publication entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.


Handbook/Guide Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Handbook/Guide entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.


Infographic Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Infographic entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.


Magazine Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Magazine entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.
  • Cover/front attracts the reader’s attention.


Marketing Material Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Marketing Material entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.
  • The material contributes to the success of marketing objectives as outlined in the submission.


News Release Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in News Release entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • The purpose of the release is clear, and that purpose is achieved. 
  • The release captures the reader's attention.


Newsletter Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Newsletter entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.


Photo Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Photo entries:

  • The photo is able to convey an idea, message or thought in an original and imaginative way through the lens.
  • The photo showcases originality and technique to influence how the image is presented and interpreted.
  • The subject matter displayed is appropriate to the story being told in the photo submitted and fully represents public education objectives.
  • All of the visual elements harmoniously express the purpose or intent of the image. The photo draws the viewer in to look where the creator intended.
  • The overall impact of the photo is effective. The photo stands on its own, as complete and outstanding. The photo has the “wow” factor.


Podcast Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Podcast entries:

  • The purpose of the podcast episode is clear, and that purpose is achieved.
  • The podcast episode tells a story that engages the listener.
  • The audio is clear and at a consistent volume.


Social Media Criteria

Following are additional elements that judges look for in social media entries:

  • Overview/purpose of the campaign/posts is well explained.
  • Post content is accessible to all audiences (e.g., videos have closed captioning, alt description tags are used for images, graphics avoid the use of embedded text that is not explained in the post or alt tag, etc.).
  • Voice and tone of the content/posts are appropriate for the platform.
  • Posts promote target audience engagement/participation.
  • Description of the outcomes achieved is well explained. 


Special Purpose Publication Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Special Purpose Publication entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • Language and writing style are appropriate for the context and audience.
  • The content is well-organized.
  • All type is easily readable, and the design is aesthetically appealing.
  • Graphic elements enhance layout.
  • Publication length/size is appropriate for purpose and target audience.


Video (Singular) Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in video entries:

  • The purpose of the video is clear, and that purpose is achieved.
  • The video tells a story that engages the viewer.
  • Video transitions are smooth, and editing complements the flow of the content.
  • The video in its entirety was in focus.
  • The audio used in the video is clear and at a consistent volume. Music doesn’t overshadow when people are talking in the video.
  • Lighting applied in the video (manmade or natural) is used to enhance the visuals.
  • Graphic elements enhance the story told in the video.
  • The video includes closed captioning.


Video Series Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in Video Series entries:

  • The purpose of the video series is clear, and that purpose is achieved.
  • The video series tells a story that engages the viewer.
  • Transitions in the videos are smooth, and editing complements the flow of the content.
  • The videos in their entirety were in focus.
  • The audio used in the videos is clear and at a consistent volume. Music doesn’t overshadow when people are talking in the videos.
  • Lighting applied in the videos (manmade or natural) is used to enhance the visuals.
  • Graphic elements enhance the story told in the videos.
  • The videos include closed captioning.


Website Entries

Following are additional elements that judges look for in website entries:

  • Language is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation and usage errors.
  • The overall website design is aesthetically appealing and enhances readability.
  • Navigation throughout the site is easy and intuitive.
  • The website uses effective, appropriate and welcoming images that reflect a variety of grade levels and the district’s diverse demographics.
  • The website is mobile responsive.
  • The website is accessible. It uses alt tags for photos and graphics, screen tips for hyperlinks and closed captioning for embedded videos. It doesn't use inaccessible documents.
  • Content is engaging for readers and an appropriate length to reduce excessive scrolling.
  • Content is up to date and seems to be updated on a regular basis. 

Publications and Digital Media Excellence Award entries must be submitted ​at

  • Fee: $95 per entry for NSPRA members, $135 per entry for non-members
  • Deadline: March 14, 2025

NSPRA staff will notify Publications and Digital Media Excellence Awards entrants as to the status of their entries via email in May.

Each winning entry will receive a certificate to print and download. Winners also will be:

  • Recognized during the Annual Meeting and Celebration of Achievement held on Sunday afternoon during the NSPRA National Seminar.
  • Recognized in a digital display at the Member Center in the Marketplace of the NSPRA National Seminar.
  • Provided with a 100% authenticated, always up-to-date digital badge that can be added to LinkedIn profiles, email signatures, websites and more.
  • Recognized on the NSPRA website.

Submit an Entry

Each year more than 100 experienced communication professionals from around the country volunteer to serve as judges in NSPRA's National School Communication Awards contest using a set of established criteria based on industry best practices. NSPRA staff coordinate the contest but do not serve as judges.

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