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Take Your School PR Skills to the Next Level With NSPRA Academy!

Author: NSPRA Staff/Tuesday, August 1, 2023/Categories: News

Take Your School PR Skills to the Next Level With NSPRA Academy!

If you or someone on your team is a school public relations professional new to the field or a mid-career veteran, NSPRA Academy can help you achieve the communication goals of your district or organization more effectively! A signature program of the National School Public Relations Association, NSPRA Academy is the only year-long virtual course designed to deliver targeted learning in specialized areas of public relations exclusively for school communication professionals.

Limited to just 40 participants each, registration is now open for both 2023-24 Academy tracks:

  • NEW for 2023-24! New Professionals Track: Designed for school public relations practitioners who identify as newer to the field (generally, zero to three years’ experience) to gain skills, training and knowledge important to the role.
  • Mid-Career Track: Designed for school public relations practitioners with four to 14 years of experience to gain additional training and knowledge in strategic planning for public relations programs and campaigns.

"The program changed my approach to the strategic communication planning process. I highly recommend NSPRA Academy!"

- 2022-23 NSPRA Academy Participant

Participants in both tracks will work with guest presenters and communication experts over the course of eight months to dive into the issues, trends and challenges that school public relations practitioners face today, and learn strategies to help enhance the effectiveness of your school communication programs and initiatives immediately—for just a fraction of the cost of a specialized graduate-level course.

Invest in your professional growth and enroll today.

NSPRA Member ……………………. $1,500

Non-Member ………................……. $2,000

Learn More and Register

Questions about the Academy? Email


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