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Member Benefits

From year-long professional learning opportunities, to the latest news in school public relations and education delivered right to your inbox, to discounts on the NSPRA National Seminar and other educational products and programs, NSPRA offers the most valuable benefits in school communications.

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Career Advancement

NSPRA membersNSPRA offers year-round professional development opportunities including:

  • 25+ FREE webinars each year on best practices, the education landscape, communication strategies and more.



Hands typing on a computerNSPRA provides a breadth of resources, products and tools for school public relations professionals to learn and expand their expertise, including:


NSPRA members at a professional development conference.Salary and Career Surveys

NSPRA members can access exclusive member survey reports, including salary and career surveys that highlight metrics such as the job responsibilities of school communicators, average salary ranges, department size and budget and more, which practitioners can use to help inform their own annual communication plans and future endeavors.

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Hands looking through a file drawer.Member Directories

NSPRA members can use the Member Directory to search and connect with their colleagues. Members can use the Professional Partner Directory to search for member consultants, agencies or vendors to help elevate district school communication efforts.


Two NSPRA members at an NSRPA Seminar.Member Communities

Connect with fellow members on NSPRA Connect, our members-only online discussion forum to ask questions, seek advice and hone in on best practices from school communicators across the country.


Map with push pins in different locations.Chapters

Join one of our 34 official charter chapters and get state- and regional-level learning and support.


NSPRA Executive BoardVolunteer

NSPRA members can get involved at the national level through numerous volunteer opportunities, including national leadership positions, service on committees, as awards judges, as NSPRA welcome ambassadors and more. There are a variety of volunteer service opportunities to suit a member’s unique professional interests and experiences.


Professional Associate Professional Partner Retired Student
Discount on NSPRA National Seminar Registration
25+ Professional Development Webinars and On Demand Library
School PR and Education Weekly News and Insights
Expert Knowledge Reports on Hot Topics and Timely Issues
Communication Samples, Resources and Templates
Access to Salary and Career Surveys
NSPRA Connect Online Forum
Mentor Match Program
Elevation E-Newsletter
Member Memo E-Newsletter
Discount on NSPRA Academies and LISC Program
Discount on Industry Publications and Books
Discount on Communication Audit and Survey Services
Eligible to Become Accredited in Public Relations (APR)
Listing in the Professional Partner Directory 
Serve on NSPRA Committees and Taskforces
Vote and Run for/Hold NSPRA Office

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