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Registration For the NSPRA 2025 National Seminar is Now Open! 

Join colleagues from across the United States, Canada and beyond for the NSPRA 2025 National Seminar on July 20-23 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C., for the largest communications-focused professional development event for school public relations professionals, superintendents and education leaders.

NSPRA Members

Click the Register button below and select "ATTENDEE." Then, enter the attendee's email address associated with their NSPRA membership account. 


Register for NSPRA 2025

 Book Your Hotel


Click the Register button below and select "ATTENDEE." Then, enter the attendee's email address associated with their NSPRA user account. If the attendee does not have an NSPRA user account, please create a login at NOTE: Creating a login does NOT require NSPRA membership.


Or, become a member of NSPRA today and save up to $150 on Seminar registration! Your membership dues will practically pay for itself. And, if you're already a member of a state/regional SPRA Chapter of NSPRA, you can also take advantage of special membership rates. Navigate to our membership page and click "Join."  


Register for NSPRA 2025

 Book Your Hotel


Pricing Details

Full Seminar Registration
Registrant Type Early Bird
Register and pay by April 30
Register and pay after April 30
NSPRA Member $795 $945
Non-Member $995 $1,145

NOTE: A 3% surcharge applies to payments made with a credit or debit card.

Save on Full Seminar Registration With Special Discounts

Superintendent + Communication Pro Combo: When a superintendent registers first, they will receive a $300 discount code for a district communication professional to use.

Multi-person Communication Team Rates:  Register multiple attendees from the same district/organization and save $70 per additional person—just click 'Add Additional Attendees' at checkout.

Guest Registration: Guest registration is available for attendees who would like to bring a guest, spouse, partner, etc. to Seminar networking and reception events.  The guest registration fee helps offset some of the cost of the refreshments, entertainment, activities and facilities enjoyed by registered attendees' guests.

Registrant Type



NOTE: A 3% surcharge applies to payments made with a credit or debit card.

**Guest Registration includes access only to the Marketplace, Annual Meeting and Celebration of Achievement, Celebrating Equity Through Inclusion Kickoff and Continental Breakfast, Opening Reception and  #K12PRChat Kickoff & Continental Breakfast. Guest Registration does not include education sessions (e.g., Skill/Amplify/Networking/Gold Mine/Theater sessions), General Sessions, Superintendents Luncheon (separate ticket available for purchase at registration), President's Installation and Gold Medallion Awards Ceremony (separate ticket available for purchase at registration), and by-invitation-only events. View the Schedule at a Glance.

One-Day and Two-Day Registration
Registrant Type
Superintendents’ Special One-Day Track
Monday, July 21
One-Day Registration
Choose Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday
Two-Day Registration
Choose Monday-Tuesday or Tuesday-Wednesday

NSPRA Member








NOTE: A 3% surcharge applies to payments made with a credit or debit card.

For additional information, please review the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Register for NSPRA 2025

 Book Your Hotel

Seminar Registration Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered below, please reach out to NSPRA at or at 301-519-0496. For Hotel Frequently Asked Questions, please click here.

What forms of payment are accepted?

The Seminar registration system accepts credit and debit card payments (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover) and Purchase Orders (PO). The PO number and a PDF of the PO must be uploaded at the time of registration. A 3% surcharge applies to payments made with a credit or debit card.

What is your cancellation policy for Seminar registrations?

All cancellation requests for Seminar registrations must be submitted to for approval. Cancellation fees help offset administrative costs for the Seminar and are as follows:

  • 25% of the total invoice is non-refundable if canceled by May 30
  • 30% of the total invoice is non-refundable if canceled between May 31 and June 13
  • No refunds given after June 13

Do I need to wait to register for the Seminar if I applied to present a session or applied for a Seminar scholarship?

No, you do not need to wait. If you’ve applied to be a speaker or for a scholarship, there’s no need to wait to register for the Seminar as required in previous years. Register as soon as registration opens to take advantage of Early Bird rates or whenever you are ready. Please note that if selected for a scholarship, recipients will be refunded for registration fees as applicable to their award.

How do I make a hotel room reservation for the Seminar?

Please visit the Hotel & Travel page.

Are attendee substitutions permitted?

All substitution requests must be submitted to for approval. Substitutions will only be considered if the substitute is from the same organization:

  • $25 per substitution if submitted by July 19
  • $50 per substitution if submitted after July 19

What food and beverages are served during the Seminar? 

  • NSPRA 2025 offers two complimentary kickoff breakfasts to start your day. All attendees are welcome and encouraged to attend:
    • Mon., July 21: 7:15 – 8 a.m. – Celebrating Equity Through Inclusion Kickoff & Continental Breakfast
    • Tues., July 22: 7:15 – 8 a.m. – #K12PRChat Kickoff & Continental Breakfast
  • NSPRA and sponsors also provide complimentary beverages such as coffee and soda during scheduled breaks between sessions. View the Seminar Schedule at a Glance for more details on break times. 
  • The Seminar's host hotel, the Washington Hilton, is just steps away from the heart of D.C.'s vibrant Dupont Circle neighborhood. You can enjoy a variety of dining and drink options!
  • The host hotel also offers a number of dining options on property.
  • During hosted receptions, a variety of light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar are typically available. 
  • The NSPRA President Installation and Gold Medallion Awards Ceremony Luncheon on Wednesday, July 21, is open to all Seminar attendees and guest registrants for an additional registration fee. You can purchase tickets during registration.

How can I join the online conversation about the NSPRA 2025 National Seminar?

On Facebook, join the NSPRA National Seminar Facebook group. On X or Instagram, use #NSPRA2025 to follow and join in an online conversation about the Seminar. 

What is the dress code for the Seminar? 

Most attendees wear business casual attire during Seminar sessions. This year's Opening Gala Reception, in partnership with Finalsite, on Sunday evening is formal optional—from black tie to business casual or relaxed attire, you pick your preferred style. 

How do I let NSPRA know if I need special accommodations for a physical disability?

Please contact the Seminar Manager, Colleen Lewallen, CMP, at  

Thank You to Our Gold Sponsors


apptegy finalsite

k12insight parentsquare



Thank You to Our 2025 Seminar Supporters
socialschool4edu Alboum CESO Logo Horizontal


Carousel Digital Signage Class Intercom Edlio

Focus Meda Services Rally School Revenue Partners


School Spirit PR Power School Social News Desk

Target River TeacherLists



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